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© 2008 Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences
Chris J Cieszewski
The University of Georgia, USA
United States
Professor of Forest Biometrics and Growth & Yield Modeling
Fiber Supply Assessment, WSFNR, UGA
Editor-in-Chief of Open Forest Science and Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences (MCFNS);
Member of five Editorial Boards for international journals and Reviewer for 23 international journals.
Founder of the Southern Mensurationist Organization and the MCFNS international journal.
30 years of professional experience including 15 years at the current post. Â Author of 120 scientific publicaitons including 40 in ISI journals. Â Total about 750 citations.
Father of four children, and active member of the professional community.
Roger C Lowe
The University of Georgia, USA
United States
Computing Professional
Pete Bettinger
The University of Georgia, USA
United States
Professor of O.R.
Google Scholar
Citation indices
Arun Kumar
The University of Georgia, USA
Graduate Student
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© 2008 Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences